In prep for my upcoming Cold Wax and Oil workshop, I have been making up a a few batches of Cold Wax Medium. After a couple of 'kitchen chemistry' mishaps -- tipped jars of melted wax into the water -- I think I have it down, and am loving the look of the cute little jam jars (Dollar Store purchase). The wax is beautifully white, and smells nice! I have tried several recipes; these latest batches are from the recipe in Serena Barton"s book "Wabi-Sabi; Painting with Cold Wax : Melt 1 part Damar resin ( I used 40 grams) 6 parts beeswax (I used ~250 grams , or 1 cup) Turn off heat and add equal amount of Gamsol (odourless mineral spirits from Gamblin) (I used 1 cup ) Stir and let cool. ** Be sure to have adequate ventilation. Although I could smell nothing, I wore a mask when I added the Gamsol-- as the fumes are not good:( I have bought both Dorlands and Gamblin's Cold Wax medium- both fabulous, but very expensive, hence my making some of my own, especially for use with in workshops.
So January starts- with the cold, snow and brilliant blue skies. Another 'Altered Spaces' worokshop last Saturday -- so much enthusiasm and amazing collages! Classes starting this week- fun! Here are pics of the workshop and other student work. A finished mixed media floral project...16 x 20 canvas. The student used acrylic paint, tissue paper and soft pastel... Watercolour students' cloud studies....
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