It has been a very strange spring so far--- very cool, snow and hail a week ago! And although we did get a pleasant Easter weekend, it is back to single digit temperatures. I am worried my mason bees are never going to emerge! The studio however has been warm and abuzz, with drop-ins and classes going steadily. See Signup Genius to see what is on offer and to sign up if interested. A 4 day workshop on mixed media finished up last week- very fun! It is the first time I have done this workshop, so I was busy doing research and making sample projects. A big takeaway was that it was over too soon and we could have explored many more ideas! There will be another session in May. Here are some photos of my sample projects and some of the participants' works: Here are some of the recent works from dropins sessions: Another lovely Beginning Watercolour class has begun-- And here are a couple of things on my easel, for when it gets slow in here!
November 2024
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