This week the Watercolour 4 class experimented with watercolour on Yupo - a synthetic, non-absorbent paper, which because of it's nature encourages being 'loose and going with the flow', letting the paint do its magic as it moves around and blends on the surface. Here are some photos of our paintings--- most not finished ( because the paint can be rewet and removed easily- even completely washed off- it might be rather hard to know when the painting is finished!) Our beginner watercolourists played with different ways to create texture in watercolour and then did a landscape using some of the techniques. Beginning acrylic painters worked on a close-up floral on a square format canvas--- not completely finished but wow, did they ever do a great job!!
Hurray hurray the first of May... blossoms , bees and sunny days... Amazingly it is the 5th week of the spring classes ; everyone is painting beauteously! Watercolour 3 are beginning the portrait section of classes... drawing from 'mannequins' and photos to render an idealized face in a traditional manner. Their first portraits are impressive!
The Beginning Watercolorists are lifting out paint to bring back light and add form, and using masking liquid, or frisket, to preserve whites. The Watercolour 4 group is finishing up their large florals and will try working on Yupo paper next week. The Acrylic Beginners are finishing up landscapes and will begin a closeup floral on a square format canvas to continue practicing technique next week. |
November 2024
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